The Secret of Happiness

Want to be Happy? Be Grateful.        

        Some wise people of the ancient world would say that the greatest good in the world is happiness. They even add that happiness is the ultimate goal of man, the very thing that man must pursue. That is why the pursuit of happiness is very popular in the United States of America and even enshrined in their constitution. 

        Happiness is what we strive for. Happiness is what every being wants to attain. And in the attainment of happiness some of us sort extreme actions to the point of hurting ourselves. Happiness where in the long run would destroy us at the end. This is not true happiness. True happiness should promote our well-being and should have a long lasting positive effect on our emotional, physical, psychological and even spiritual state. 

    One secret to this kind of happiness is the cultivation of the attitude of being grateful. Tons of research would prove the gamut benefits of being grateful. But many of us ignore the magnificent effects it. Gratefulness is an attitude that we need to cultivate in ourselves so that it will become part of our system and eventually, gratefulness will become our second nature.

        To be grateful is not a hard thing to do nor it is a simple thing to do. You should to be grate on the small things that has to offer. The small things is where the blessings of the moments manifest. If you can not appreciate the small things in life and be grateful for it, one day you will find it hard to appreciate and be grateful when the big moments of your life will come. Being grateful for the small stuff will sustain the spirit of gratefulness and appreciation. You will find that unhappy people even disappointed even when they have all the things they wanted in life, it is because they never learn how to be grateful to the small stuff that they have. 

        Happiness is an attitude and a lifestyle that anyone can cultivate. It does not happen only to few, but happiness happens to all people who are conscious enough to be grateful to all that life has to offer. Gratefulness helps us to be content and thus bring lasting happiness to our life. Those who are never contented in life will find themselves always wanting for more and one day they will find themselves empty even thought they are full of material possessions. It is because they have never learned the art of gratefulness, of being content, and of experiencing true happiness.

        So if you want your life to be happy, start with gratefulness. and you will find this simple technique will change your perspective in life. Gratefulness is not a one-time practice so that you could turn yourself to be grateful person, instead it is a lifetime commitment, a cultivation that would entail an everyday practice.

        Appreciate the small stuff, be grateful and happiness will be yours. Try it. It is free. It will not cost you a single penny.


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